Live Donor KDPI Calculator

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LKDPI Score:


This model calculates a risk score for a recipient of a potential live donor kidney.

Live Donor Characteristics:

Donor age:
Donor sex:
Recipient sex:
Donor eGFR:
Donor SBP:
Donor BMI:
Donor is African-American:
Donor history of cigarette use:
Donor and recipient biologically related:
Donor and recipient are ABO incompatible:
Donor Weight:
Recipient Weight:
Donor and recipient HLA-B mismatches:
Donor and recipient HLA-DR mismatches:

The LKDPI is on the same scale as the deceased donor KDPI but can be negative (an organ of lower predicted risk than any DD kidney) or exceed 100 (an organ of higher predicted risk than any DD kidney). For example, a donor with an LKDPI of 20 indicates that live donor transplantation using a kidney from this donor would have expected risk equivalent to deceased donor transplantation from a donor with KDPI of 20.

The population used for this study includes kidney transplant recipients from 2005 to 2013. All-cause graft loss was modeled using multivariate Cox regression.

Based on Massie AB, Leanza J, Fahmy LM, Chow EKH, Luo X, Segev DL. A risk index for living donor kidney transplantation. AJT 2016

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